
Healthy Economy: European Values for Ukraine

Про курс

The course examines theoretical issues of healthy regional development, features of joint formation, resilience to the influence of destabilizing factors, and the role of enterprises in ensuring a healthy economic environment. Attention is paid to the principles of implementing cohesion policy in the countries of the European Union. The material presented is about the set of marketing tools that are used to promote healthy regional development. healthy behavior of the population and motivation of consumers to choose healthy products.

Мета та завдання:

The purpose of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skills for developing individual communities and regions following the principles of building a healthy economy.

The main tasks of the course:

- development of professional skills for organizing the process of sustainable regional development in Ukraine;

- development of practical skills in in-depth analysis and group work, overcoming conflict situations when developing and presenting a marketing strategy and modern EU tools for implementing the policy of healthy regional development in Ukraine;

- to form the basis for the development of a system of motivating the population to healthy consumption of products of various manufacturers;

- develop skills in using EU cohesion policy promotion tools as a benchmark for the healthy regional development of Ukraine.

Зміст дисципліни

  • 1.1. Basis of healthy regional development
  • Self-control questions to Theme 1.1
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 1.1
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 1.1
  • Tests to Theme 1.1
  • 1.2. Creating a resilient community: EU experience
  • Self-control questions to Theme 1.2
  • Practical task to Theme 1.2
  • Tests to Theme 1.2
  • 1.3. Healthy Europe and Ukraine
  • Self-control questions to Theme 1.3
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 1.3
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 1.3
  • Tests to Theme 1.3
  • 1.4. Industries of the region in the formation of a healthy environment
  • Self-control questions to Theme 1.4
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 1.4
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 1.4
  • Tests to Theme 1.4
  • Literature to Section 1
  • 2.1. EU Cohesion Policy: Goals, principles, values
  • Self-control questions to Theme 2.1
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 2.1
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 2.1
  • Practical task 3 to Theme 2.1
  • Tests to Theme 2.1
  • 2.2. EU Cohesion Policy: Interaction of stakeholders
  • Self-control questions to Theme 2.2
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 2.2
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 2.2
  • Practical task 3 to Theme 2.2
  • Tests to Theme 2.2
  • 2.3. EU best practices in promotion Cohesion Policy
  • Self-control questions to Theme 2.3
  • Practical task 1 to Theme 2.3
  • Practical task 2 to Theme 2.3
  • Practical task 3 to Theme 2.3
  • Tests to Theme 2.3
  • Literature to Section 2
  • 3.1. The basics of environmental marketing, healthy consumer motivation in relation to the formation and implementation of EU healthy consumer behavior
  • Self-control questions to Theme 3.1
  • Practical task to Theme 3.1
  • Tests to Theme 3.1
  • 3.2. Modern tools for implementation of the marketing complex for territories and regions based on healthy consumption
  • Self-control questions to Theme 3.2
  • Practical task to Theme 3.2
  • Tests to Theme 3.2
  • 3.3. EU practice of using marketing methods and techniques in the Ukrainian market to increase consumer motivation to a healthy lifestyle
  • Self-control questions to Theme 3.3
  • Practical task to Theme 3.3
  • Tests to Theme 3.3
  • Literature to Section 3


Liudmyla Saher - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing

e-mail: [email protected]


Research interests: inclusive economy, energy economics, sustainable development, communication management, marketing research


Nataliia Letunovska - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing

e-mail: [email protected]


Research interests: behavioral patterns, determinants of a healthy economy, healthy lifestyle promotion, healthy food marketing


Anna Rosokhata - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing

e-mail: [email protected]


Research interests: foresight in marketing, green economy, circular technologies, health promotion



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